Managed Wifi

Dwelo’s Managed Wifi Solution

Empowering owners and developers to manage how they provide and monetize WiFi in their communities.

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NOI Boost

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NOI Boost

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Renters say fast internet is the most important amenity 

Why You Should Use Managed WiFi

Managed WiFi provides a modern way to offer internet service that will delight residents, managers, and your bottom line. What are some of these modern needs of renters?
  • 91% indicate that amenities are a key factor in deciding where to live.
  • 90% say high-speed internet is the most important.
  • 65% want smart apartments.
  • 75% of residents want pre-installed
  • WiFi upon move in
  • Industry reports show internet trac is up 40%
Managed WiFi oers shorter contracts, better support for residents and manager, and boosts NOI.

Why Dwelo’s Solution

Simply our superior service. We can promise a smooth buying process, painless installation experience, and excellent support from our expert teams who’ve been trained to support Managed WiFi for your residents and staff.
  • Pre-installed WiFi makes resident on-boarding and o-boarding simple and quick.
  • Individual Personal Area Networks for each resident provide enterprise-grade security that follow them throughout the community.
  • Managers and residents have a single provider to call if they need support.
  • Future-proof your community with a broadband network backbone that integrates seamlessly with our IoT solutions..