Our Values


Be Passionate and Determined


Ownership at Dwelo is about taking responsibility for your actions, your work, and the overall output of the team. Our customers are trusting us with the security and comfort of their homes, and we take that responsibility seriously. Individually in our roles and collectively as a company, we take charge because the stakes are too high to leave things to chance. Because we own Dwelo’s output as a team, we don’t pass the buck or play politics; we pitch in and help out. We own up to mistakes when we make them and analyze how they happened, not to assign blame, but to make sure we don’t repeat them. Importantly, we own the wins, too! We take pride in what we do. When Dwelo succeeds as a company, we all recognize our contribution to that success.


Inclusion at Dwelo is about showing respect for people of all backgrounds, perspectives, and working styles. We act empathetically and we recognize the humanity in all those with whom we interact, whether they are our colleagues or our customers. Our colleagues come from all corners of the globe, with different skill sets and educational backgrounds. We respect our colleagues’ varying perspectives and working styles, and in turn our colleagues feel the psychological safety necessary to take professional risks, make mistakes, and learn. Our customers are varied in their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and language. We recognize our shared humanity with them and are sensitive to and respect their varying needs; this respect is particularly important because we are asking them to trust us with mission critical elements of their home or place of work. With our words and actions, we project a sense that everyone we interact with is respected and that they belong.

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset at Dwelo is about believing that people can be better and that situations can be improved. We recognize the untapped potential in all of us and everything we do. We invest in one another with mentorship and provide help when a colleague is struggling. We try to find new roles and learning opportunities for our colleagues so that they can achieve professional growth within Dwelo. We believe that learning contributes to an engaging work environment where people will make their careers and that longevity and tenure are important in our industry where customer relationships and market knowledge are critical to success. Our growth mindset extends to our work, too. We’re in the business of innovation, and we invest in our product and processes to improve efficiency and quality. A static product will lead to static sales, so we are never satisfied. We are a company that is charting a new path and must constantly innovate to ensure we stay competitive in an evolving industry. At root, we are willing to change our minds and our ways – there is always room to do better.

Bias Towards Communication

Bias Towards Communication at Dwelo is about recognizing our interdependencies and supporting each other by asking for or providing information. We work together to solve customer problems, and we realize how important each part of the puzzle is. We are distributed across the country, but we communicate in a way that shrinks that distance. Our products enable the security and comfort of our customers, so we never assume something; we always ask, we always listen, and we always speak up. We also aren’t afraid to provide or ask for feedback; communicating about performance is how we get better. And we communicate in a way that can be effectively received. If the other person can’t internalize the information, then we’re not communicating, we’re just making noise. We recognize the value of communication to our shared mission and see that it is foundational to the way we deliver solutions collaboratively.


Having fun at Dwelo is about… having fun! We do serious work, it’s true. But among all the responsibility-taking, we feel there has to be room for fun. So, we crack jokes and laugh with each other. We play games in the office, most of them we completely made up (games that wouldn’t have to be made up if game makers had any sense). We celebrate the wins and get a little bit too excited sometimes. We look for excuses to hang out and enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes, we even encourage a bit of silliness. And that’s ok! Because to do our best work and do it for many years, we need to enjoy our time on the job. It has to be fun.